Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years 2012

"God, help me not to stay where I am and wait for tomorrow to change. Help me to choose today to be new, to be different. Today is a new day You've made, full of opportunities to encounter You, and to show Your love to this world. God, I need You, and this world needs You. Help me do what's right, not the way I see it, but the way You know it. Thank You God for loving me as much as You do. Have Your way in me, in all that I am and all that I do. I trust You; all I am and all I have is Yours. Do what You will."

A prayer from a missionary friend of mine that I think perfectly sums up my thoughts not only the new year, but every day. This year, no long post on perspective change. This year, I just want to remain focused, and persistent and grow in my devotion to follow His every command, especially when it is uncomfortable and/or I don't understand why. I wish you many blessings and pray that His will be done in your lives for the New Year.

One way I am always trying to be more disciplined is in my bible reading and study. I have had many people ask me what I do or have done and for me it started with a simple reading plan. This year I have decided to provide you with a reading plan that I have used and recommended in the past. Click here to get a pdf. of the Bible reading plan from Michael Cooley at It changes what type of book you are reading from day to day. There is also one from Discipleship Journal that is availble on the You Version Bible app for tablets and smart phones. You can access it online here. You can purchase printed copies from their website.

Every year, my lead pastor, Chad Harvey will select verses for members of our faith community to be a verse for us to meditate on and carry with us throughout the year. This year my verse is Exodus 14:13 (NLT)
But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again.

When you are a child of God, these promises are as true for you today as they were for Israel. Rest in this promise for you. I wish you all a very feliz y próspero año nuevo!

P.S. I don't know if the world will end this year as the Mayans have supposedly said, but if it does, are you ready? Have you shared the gospel with everyone around you? I'm ready to go home, but are they? Just a thought...