Hey everyone! I hope that you have been having a blessed holiday season. Since my last post we have celebrated Thanksgiving and the Birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. I was very blessed to have Thanksgiving dinner with one of my "little sisters" and her family as well as some friends. As you can see, the food was good!
On Christmas eve I was invited to diner with her family again. For Christmas dinner, I was with my other little sister's family. Blessed with home cooked meals even though I did not make it back to New Jersey to be with my family. I have been blessed to have family everywhere I go and for that I am thankful.
In Pavia, Mi Casa de Oracion, held the third annual Abraza un Nino en Navidad celebration. Over 700 Children were served, ministered to, as they shared the love of Christ. I huge thank you to all who helped make this possible. At this time I do not have any photos from this year's celebration so I am going to share some videos from last year.
I should have another post coming soon (hopefully today) to explain a challenge I am issuing for the month of January. Remember that if you would like to receive tax credit for this year, donations must be in before the end of the month! You can donate online by clicking here.